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For most, confidence is gained by confirmation and affirmation of others. For myself, confidence is rooted from within, nurtured and cultivated through trust in the most high. It’s a natural HIGHNESS.

-Resk 'Que

A true philosopher at heart, Resk ‘Que is a modern day dreamer. One has to look no further than his trademark form of punctuation to get a taste of his one-of-a-kind philosophy: “What’s Your Concept?”

Resk ‘Que is not your average joe. Have a word with him and you will be blown away with his love of wisdom. That very wisdom is attributed to self education, life experience and the inspirations he derives from many other great philosophers from history such as Plato, Aristotle and Descartes, but he doesn’t simply repeat their teachings and claim them for his own. Employing a thoroughly modern brand of philosophy, much like how Plato’s philosophy was built for his time, Resk ‘Que’s philosophy is built for today. His main areas of philosophy deal with the importance of religion in today’s world, how to better your position in the world by bettering yourself, and achieving the impossible.