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    • How to make your mate happy
    • You Must Be a Fool to Fall in Love
    • Why Men Do What They Do
    • Why people cheat
    • How to Keep a Man’s Interest
    • Loving without Boundaries
    • Making a Relationship Work
    • Why You Are Still Single


    • Trend setting & Styling
    • Trend Forecasting
    • Behind the Scenes of the Fashion Industry
    • Starting your Fashion Business
    • Fashion Marketing
    • Fashion Week/Show Production
    • Emerging Designers: Finding Your Resources
    • Styling as a Business
    • Becoming a Fashion Designer
    • Dress to be Yourself
    • Standing Apart in the Crowd
    • Fashion in Milan
    • Impossibilities to Possibilities
    • How to Believe
    • Why Talent is not enough to succeed
    • Empowering the Youth
    • How to be Yourself living in a World of Conformity
    • Minding gold: The Power of Your Thoughts
    • Why We Are Where We Are Today
    • Swaggerism: My Religion (upcoming book)
    • Dealing with the Fears of Life
    • Having Everything You Want
    • The Myth about Freedom
    • How to Flourish and Bloom in Life
    • Empowering the Minds
    • Motivating the mind
    • Hustling: Living by Any Means
    • The American Day Dreamers
    • Acquiring Confidence
    • ANY “GOOD” without “GOD” is “O”… = Zero
    • Just Do It; You Don’t Need to Know How
    • Dealing with Life Challenges
    • Understanding of “the Self”: Conversing with ME, Myself & I…
    • FAITH: a Must, if you are going to succeed in your life
    • Creativity from Power of Communication
    • How to change the world
    • Understanding Different People from Different Planets
    • Decisions to Be Happy
    • Reaching Heights
    • Changing Your Position in Life…
    • Why You Are The Problem
    • Giving is Receiving
    • Helping you from where you are to where you want to be
    • Concept Development
    • Succeeding in business you must understand people. Learn the PPS principle : Philosophy, Psychology and Strategy
    • Taking a Concept to Completion
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Marketing Expert
    • Starting a Business
    • Building Your Brand
    • Tips for Young Professionals
    • Succeed by AMP [Any Means Possible]
    • The Power of Social Media
    • Getting an Undivided Attention
    • Persistence and Success
    • School Life that Leads to Success
    • Starting Your Business While In School
    • The 7 most powerful “P” words that guarantees your success
    • How to Network to Net Worth
    • Goal Setting
    • Event Planning & Production
    • Finding the Perfect Internship
    • Landing Your Dream job
    • Finding your Passion
    • The Secrets Behind Public Relations
    • Conflict Resolution