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There were times when you had to ‘knock’ on certain doors, although your ‘knock’ was heard loud and clear, the person inside simply ignores you. Times are about to change. Your door is about to be ‘knocked’ on by the same person who ignored you. Would you open?

- Resk 'Que

Resk ‘Que is the pioneer and avant-garde executor of a multi-million dollar empire reaching through a vast network of industries. He believes in thinking big. He is known for taking a business idea, conceptualizing it, executing it, and thriving on it. Some of the roles he undertakes include: divining courses of action that will take brands to the next level, introducing style that can make anything stand out in a sea of mediocrity, and implementing experimental and trendsetting techniques to industries fearful of change.

Resk ‘Que is a globally known visionary, regarded as the brain behind various successful businesses and ideas. His ventures all share one important trait in common: a sense of style that is equivalent to placing his personal signature on it.